With not much time to write reviews, occasionally I might be scanning a few extracts onto this blog. We will begin with Anita Pratap's Island of Blood. Click on the following links to read: Defying press censorship - Sri Lanka : state sponsored genocide - Black July 1983
Aftermath of actress Shoba's suicide(1980)
Defying press censorship : Ground Zero, Babri demolition, Ayodhya(1992)
Defying press censorship - Interview with Prabhakaran(under hotel arrest), Delhi Accord(1987)
Ground Zero, War in Sri Lanka(1987)
When blood flowed freely : Sri Lanka(1989)
First CNN report/Detention on suspicion averted : Colombo(1996)
Thackeray escapes a conviction : Mumbai(1992)
Defying press censorship : Afghanistan takeover(1996)
Blogs I read